Have I got enough to retire?
This brief called for us to create a campaign that would attract and align with those considering retirement, or approaching it, nominally those 65 years of age. In a crowded market with many financial service providers asking the same question, the question we had to answer for our audience was “Why choose Milford?”

- Services
- Creative Strategy
- Advertising Strategy
- Art Direction
- Website
- Copywriting
An analysis of competitors showed that almost all promoted their expertise, success, or personal compatibility value as advisers. We concluded that our strategy needed a deeper level of engagement, with the customer in mind.

In our view, all good brand narratives should be based on a fundamental truth. So we conducted intensive interviews with key Milford personnel to tease out what their customers were looking for - beyond personal confidence and a trusted relationship.
The truth turned out to be incredibly simple and obvious. At, or approaching retirement age, people are thinking about whether they have enough to survive on and can they live well until death.
We set aside design and cleverness – posed the questions we knew everyone was asking and acknowledged our customers with enough intelligence to understand that Milford had the answers.